Spa Summer Classic
13 June 2008GeneralClas
12:50 - 13:209 - Bravo Historic ChampionshipQualifying Practice
13:35 - 14:058 - Masters Top Hat All SeriesQualifying Practice
14:25 - 15:054 - R&M Spirit of 9h sports-carsQualifying Practice
15:20 - 15:452 - Historic Formula 2 TrophyQualifying Practice
15:05 - 16:353 - Formula Junior Historic Racing AssociationQualifying Practice
16:50 - 17:157 - 100 Miles TrophyFree Practice
17:30 - 18:001 - Arbuthnot Latham pre66 GP carQualifying Practice
14 June 2008GeneralClas
09:00 - 09:205 - Historic Touring & GT Trophy HTGTQualifying Practice 1
09:30 - 09:557 - 100 Miles TrophyQualifying Practice
10:05 - 10:456 - Spa Long Distance CupQualifying Practice
11:00 - 11:309 - Bravo Historic ChampionshipRace
11:50 - 12:153 - Formula Junior Historic Racing AssociationRace 1
12:35 - 13:002 - Historic Formula 2 TrophyRace 1
13:20 - 13:501 - Arbuthnot Latham pre66 GP carRace 1
14:05 - 14:255 - Historic Touring & GT Trophy HTGTQualifying Practice 2
14:49 - 15:504 - R&M Spirit of 9h sports-carsRace
16:09 - 17:108 - Masters Top Hat All SeriesRace
17:35 - 18:002 - Historic Formula 2 TrophyRace 2
15 June 2008GeneralClas
09:00 - 09:305 - Historic Touring & GT Trophy HTGTRace 1
09:55 - 11:057 - 100 Miles TrophyRace
11:30 - 11:553 - Formula Junior Historic Racing AssociationRace 2
12:15 - 12:451 - Arbuthnot Latham pre66 GP carRace 2
13:05 - 13:355 - Historic Touring & GT Trophy HTGTRace 2
13:59 - 18:006 - Spa Long Distance CupRace

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